Bad Breath Can be Treated and Prevented
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Most adults suffer from bad breath from time to time and the condition that causes bad breath is called Halitosis.In fact, statistics reveal that up to 25 per cent of adults suffer from halitosis. There are many reasons related to bad breath. Bad breath usually arises because of the breakdown of protein by bacteria in the mouth. Most cases of bad breath are not serious and they usually relate to dental hygiene such as gum disease and periodontal diseases. After waking up, it is also common to have bad breath due to bacteria that is present in plaque (morning breath). The reason is that the mouth often dries out when we sleep and creates a fertile breeding ground for bacteria in plaque on the teeth and at the back of the tongue. As a result, the bacteria produces number of odors, including volatile sulphur compounds which are believed to be the main cause of bad breath. Also, eating certain foods such as onion, garlic, pastrami and curries can also cause bad breath as the chemicals in the food enter the bloodstream but are breathed out through the mouth from the lungs. The elderly are also believed to suffer more from bad breath because of their reduced saliva production. Medications too contribute to bad breath as they can cause the mouth to be dry. These include antidepressants, diuretics and antihistamines. But according to medical studies, up to 10 per cent sufferers of halitosis may be due to a more serious underlying medical problem. The best way to ascertain if one has halitosis due to oral reasons is by going to the dentist who will then use a halimeter to assess the condition. A specialised device designed to measure the volatile sulphur compounds, the halimeter measures the air that the patient blows into the machine through a straw-like tube. The machine then calibrates how much sulphur compound.
Most bad breath can be cured by having better oral and dental hygiene. In particular, it would be good to clean between the teeth with dental floss, wood sticks or an effective inter-dental brush. In fact, most people do not brush their teeth properly. On average, most people spend just 45 seconds brushing their teeth but in fact, they should take up to three minutes to cover all the tooth surfaces in their mouth. Many also do not realise that a toothbrush should be changed every three to four months. Tongue cleaners are useful in removing the coat that builds up on the surface of the tongue, possibly due to the mucus that drips down from the back of the nose. Cleaning the back of the tongue is also a good way to help prevent bad breath. This can be done with a toothbrush. But those who feel discomfort when doing so may prefer to use a mouthwash. Other ways to prevent bad breath include drinking more fluids and cleaning the mouth after eating milk products, fish and meat. More fresh and fibrous vegetables should also be consumed. Drinking excessive coffee should also be avoided.
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