Instant Bad Breath Treatment

Friday, February 27, 2009

The Shocking Truth About TheraBreath And Ending Bad Breath For Good

Cure Your Bad Breath In 3 Days, Click Here To Know More


>>  Click Here To Know The Symptoms, Causes & Effective Cures For Bad Breath <<


Do you have bad breath or know somebody who has a chronic halitosis problem? Millions of people suffer from bad breath and very few actually know they have it. Many people are not informed on the true cause of bad breath and may be making the problem worse by using common everyday over the counter breath sprays, mouthwashes and toothpaste. We are going to look into what the symptoms of bad breath are and what you can do get rid of your halitosis once and for all.

One of the biggest myths about the origins of bad breath is that it originates in the digestive system. Some companies have produced and sold capsules filled with oil that claim they can eliminate it from the source in your digestive system. Just about every case of halitosis involves anaerobic sulfur producing bacteria. These bacteria thrive below the surface of the tongue, in your throat, and on your tonsils. Certain changes in the environment of these bacteria can create VSC's or Volatile Sulfur Compounds. These compounds can produce hydrogen sulfide and many other vulgar chemicals that are odorous.

What are symptoms of bad breath and how do I know if I have it?

We are going to cover a few basic symptoms of halitosis and see how you can test yourself for bad breath at home.

● Open your mouth and check your tongue. Do you see a white coating? This could be a sign.
● Very thick saliva and clearing of your throat frequently.
● A constant sour bitter taste in your mouth can be a indication of chronic halitosis.
● After brushing, flossing and even tongue scraping you have no improvement.
● Do people offer you gum and mints all the time?

There are two quick ways to determine if you have bad breath by doing a quick home test. First take a piece of cotton and wipe the surface of your tongue and smell it. An even better indication is if it turns yellowish color which means an elevated sulfide level.

Another way to check is to lick the back of your hand and let it dry for ten seconds or run a piece of floss through your teeth and smell that. Certain foods can also alter your taste which is a sign that volatile sulfur compounds are producing themselves inside your mouth.

Let's look at some facts about bad breath and how TheraBreath's Oxyd-8 ingredient can play a role in the solution to ending bad breath.

● Bad breath thrives in an anaerobic (opposite of aerobic, or needs oxygen to produce) environment below the tongue, in your throat and tonsils.
● To get rid of bacteria that causes bad breath we must attack them with an oxygenating compound.
● People who suffer from dry mouth have less saliva and therefore less oxygen. This leaves a anaerobic environment which is a breeding ground for these sulfur compounds.

Oxyd-8 is the main active ingredient in TheraBreath. This compound has an oxidizing effect as soon as it enters the mouth. Many of the products also are produced without ingredients like sodium laurel sulfate which is commonly found in toothpaste which can cause canker sores. Another important thing to look for is that your mouthwash should not contain alcohol. This can cause your mouth to dry and become an environment for the volatile sulfur compounds.

Thanks to science and research, millions of people can now find true relief and an end to chronic halitosis. Gone are the days of brushing ten times and chewing mints all day. Bad breath sufferers can now find permanent relief from sour and bitter tastes thanks to the oxidizing power of Oxyd-8. With a little knowledge and utilizing the right products, you can end your battle with bad breath once and for all.

If you would like to learn more about bad breath and TheraBreath oral care, visit and download a free copy of the Bad Breath Bible today.

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