Instant Bad Breath Treatment

Friday, February 27, 2009

The Shocking Truth About TheraBreath And Ending Bad Breath For Good

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Do you have bad breath or know somebody who has a chronic halitosis problem? Millions of people suffer from bad breath and very few actually know they have it. Many people are not informed on the true cause of bad breath and may be making the problem worse by using common everyday over the counter breath sprays, mouthwashes and toothpaste. We are going to look into what the symptoms of bad breath are and what you can do get rid of your halitosis once and for all.

One of the biggest myths about the origins of bad breath is that it originates in the digestive system. Some companies have produced and sold capsules filled with oil that claim they can eliminate it from the source in your digestive system. Just about every case of halitosis involves anaerobic sulfur producing bacteria. These bacteria thrive below the surface of the tongue, in your throat, and on your tonsils. Certain changes in the environment of these bacteria can create VSC's or Volatile Sulfur Compounds. These compounds can produce hydrogen sulfide and many other vulgar chemicals that are odorous.

What are symptoms of bad breath and how do I know if I have it?

We are going to cover a few basic symptoms of halitosis and see how you can test yourself for bad breath at home.

● Open your mouth and check your tongue. Do you see a white coating? This could be a sign.
● Very thick saliva and clearing of your throat frequently.
● A constant sour bitter taste in your mouth can be a indication of chronic halitosis.
● After brushing, flossing and even tongue scraping you have no improvement.
● Do people offer you gum and mints all the time?

There are two quick ways to determine if you have bad breath by doing a quick home test. First take a piece of cotton and wipe the surface of your tongue and smell it. An even better indication is if it turns yellowish color which means an elevated sulfide level.

Another way to check is to lick the back of your hand and let it dry for ten seconds or run a piece of floss through your teeth and smell that. Certain foods can also alter your taste which is a sign that volatile sulfur compounds are producing themselves inside your mouth.

Let's look at some facts about bad breath and how TheraBreath's Oxyd-8 ingredient can play a role in the solution to ending bad breath.

● Bad breath thrives in an anaerobic (opposite of aerobic, or needs oxygen to produce) environment below the tongue, in your throat and tonsils.
● To get rid of bacteria that causes bad breath we must attack them with an oxygenating compound.
● People who suffer from dry mouth have less saliva and therefore less oxygen. This leaves a anaerobic environment which is a breeding ground for these sulfur compounds.

Oxyd-8 is the main active ingredient in TheraBreath. This compound has an oxidizing effect as soon as it enters the mouth. Many of the products also are produced without ingredients like sodium laurel sulfate which is commonly found in toothpaste which can cause canker sores. Another important thing to look for is that your mouthwash should not contain alcohol. This can cause your mouth to dry and become an environment for the volatile sulfur compounds.

Thanks to science and research, millions of people can now find true relief and an end to chronic halitosis. Gone are the days of brushing ten times and chewing mints all day. Bad breath sufferers can now find permanent relief from sour and bitter tastes thanks to the oxidizing power of Oxyd-8. With a little knowledge and utilizing the right products, you can end your battle with bad breath once and for all.

If you would like to learn more about bad breath and TheraBreath oral care, visit and download a free copy of the Bad Breath Bible today.

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Friday, February 20, 2009

Dental Hygiene -4 Ways To Prevent Bad Breath

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<p>Do people cover their noses when you are chatting with them? Do some people never run out of excuses to end a conversation with you a couple of times too many? If you notice these strange behaviors from others, have you ever considered that you might have a case of bad breath?</p><p>Bad breath is a very embarrassing problem. People who have it are oftentimes avoided like the plague and are perceived to have poor personal and dental hygiene. However, it can be very difficult to treat this problem if you do not even know that you have it! Most people cannot smell their own breath, so they would not know of the condition unless someone is brave enough or tactless enough to tell them so.</p><p>Bad breath can be triggered by a wide variety of factors, which may include certain foods, health conditions and poor dental hygiene, among others. If you are troubled with this condition, you may not need to worry any further. You can effectively control the problem by following a few practical self-care techniques.</p><p>Observe Proper Dental Hygiene</p><p>As a rule, you need to brush your teeth after every meal and floss at least once daily. It would also be wise to brush your tongue whenever you brush your teeth to prevent the accumulation of food debris, dead cells and bacteria. A white layer on the surface of your tongue is a telltale sign that you have a bacteria problem. To remove this, brush your tongue using a soft toothbrush or a tongue scraper. Be sure to pay particular attention to the middle third of the tongue since it is where most of the bacteria tend to accumulate. If you wear dentures or partials, be sure to clean them up also.</p><p>Gargle</p><p>Gargling with diluted hydrogen peroxide can wipe out the bacterial colony in your mouth. For best results, gargle for at least forty five seconds. It will create a lot of foam but try your best not spit it out. Do not use hydrogen peroxide more than twice a day and be sure to use it in diluted form only. It would be advisable to gargle with diluted hydrogen peroxide solution once every 3 days or twice a week. Do not use it more frequently than this since it can corrode the enamel of your teeth.</p><p>You can also try gargling with commercial mouthwashes. Try this before retiring for the night and observe the difference when you wake up the next morning! For best results, dentists recommend that you use alcohol-free preparations.</p><p>Watch What You Eat</p><p>There is no escaping the fact that your mouth will mostly smell of what you eat. This happens because every time you eat, the digestive process produces some sort of gas from everything that you have ingested. These gases are then eliminated through the various openings in the body, which include the skin, the mouth and the lungs.</p><p>To overcome the smell of strong foods, you can use peppermint tea, Moroccan mint, jasmine, hibiscus and lemon balm. Just refrain from adding sugar to these products, since it encourages the growth of bacteria.</p><p>You can also include fresh foods like ginger, parsley, cilantro and scallion to your diet. Eat them raw to maintain a balance in colon bacteria.</p><p>Perform a Colon Cleanse</p><p>A dirty colon is an ideal breeding place for bacteria, which can ultimately lead to bad breath. To help keep your colon relatively free from these damaging bacteria, you can opt to do a colon cleanse using bran or an appropriate herbal laxative. If you wish to use over the counter drugs laxatives instead, do so with the guidance of your doctor.</p><div><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr><td valign="top"><div class="sig"><p>Michael Russell
Your Independent guide to <a target="_new" rel="nofollow" href="">Dental</a></p></div></td><td><div style="padding:0px; margin: 0px 0px 0px 10px; border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: white; background-color: white;"></div></td></tr></table></div><!--UdmComment--

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Monday, February 16, 2009

Coffee and Bad Breath- Do I Really Have To Give It Up?

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It takes a strong willed individual not to be enticed by the seductive aroma of freshly brewed coffee. Even non-coffee drinkers find the smell of delicately roasted Arabica beans quite irresistible. Cast your mind back to the last time you walked by your local coffee house and the scent of your favourite blend wafted up your nostrils.You can?t help but be taken in, but beware fellow coffee lovers this seductive beverage is bad news for your Bad Breath and can make mild bad breath smell 10 times worse!

Scientific research has proven that the cause of Bad Breath in 90% of cases is caused by foul smelling chemical compounds called ?Volatile Sulphur Compounds? that are produced by bacteria that live below the surface of your tongue. These delightful little organisms live in an environment that is quite acidic and they multiple like crazy when their environment become even more acidic.

What?s the connection between having Bad Breath and drinking coffee I hear you ask . Well coffee both caffeinated and decaffeinated are both highly acidic. Each time you have a cup of coffee you are lowering the pH inside your mouth , that is you are making it more acidic. Under acidic conditions the bacteria that produce the foul smelling compounds that give you Bad Breath have a party and multiply very rapidly indeed.

The result being on the one hand you?ve drunk a satisfying cup of coffee and on the other hand you are left with a foul, sour odour in your mouth that breath mints and gum will only cover up for a max of 15 minutes or so.

So the message is simple drinking coffee does contribute to having Bad Breath, if you want to clear up your Bad Breath then begin to limit your consumption and you will see a difference.

There are other popular beverages that are bad news for Bad Breath that you may not be aware of, to find out more visit us

Having Bad Breath is no laughing matter. It affects millions of people worldwide and is a relatively simple condition to treat once you've identified the cause behind it . Here at TheFreshBreathSite we aim to provide the information to make you fully aware of the causes of Bad Breath and the simple steps you can take overnight to help clear it up.

So feel free to visit us online at :

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Friday, February 13, 2009

Why Tongue Scraping Alone Won't Cure Your Bad Breath

Cure Your Bad Breath In 3 Days, Click Here To Know More


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In the continuing battle against Bad Breath Tongue Scrapers are all the rage it seems. Every Fresh Breath kit on the market hails them as their secret weapon. Tongue Scrapers are not a modern invention, did you know that many ancient civilisations routinely used tongue Scrapers as part of their daily cleansing routine?

Scientific research has proven that the cause of Bad Breath in 90% of cases is caused by the foul smelling compounds produced by bacteria that live below the surface of your tongue. Under certain conditions these bacteria thrive and break down proteins very rapidly and produce nasty smelling compounds known as ?Volatile Sulphur Compounds? which cause your breath to smell.

If you look at your tongue in the mirror you will see that there are many fibre-like projections on the surface called ?papillae?. You can liken the papillae to the fibres in a Shagpile carpet . Bacteria do not live on the surface layer of your tongue they live at the base layer of your tongue between the papillae where there is very little oxygen available. The bacteria flourish in acidic environments without oxygen.

When you scrape your tongue you are removing debris such as food particles, mucous and bacteria. The aim is to expose the bottom layer of the tongue where the bacteria are found. This is beneficial for 2 reasons:
1. You are removing the layer of ?junk? that has been shielding the bacteria and allowing them to multiply
2. You are preparing the surface of the tongue to receive a new compound that will dramatically reduce the amount of foul smelling compounds that will be produced in future, and hence clear up your bad breath.

That vital compound is Oxygen, after you?ve scraped your tongue you must deliver oxygen to the bacteria so that the amount of volatile sulphur compounds they produce will be drastically reduced meaning fresher breath for you! So you must rinse your mouth with an Oxygenating Mouthwash after you have scraped your tongue, but beware ?Not All Mouthwashes Are Created Equal !?

Some mouthwashes contain an ingredient that can actually make your breath smell even worse! For more insider Bad Breath Remedies and if you want to learn how to make your own Oxygenating mouthwash at home for a fraction of the price of many commercial mouthwashes then please visit us at :

For further information on what compounds to use to reduce your Bad Breath and for easy Bad Breath Home Remedies feel free to visit us at :

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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Truth About Bad Breath & What the Symptoms Mean

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Bad breath is caused by Anaerobic Sulfur Producing Bacteria which normally live WITHIN the surface of the tongue and in the throat. These bacteria are supposed to be there, because they assist humans in digestion by breaking down proteins found in specific foods, mucous or phlegm, blood, and in diseased or "broken-down" oral tissue. Under certain conditions, these bacteria start to break down proteins at a very high rate. Proteins are made up of Amino Acids. Two of the Amino Acids (Cysteine and Methionine) are dense with sulfur. When these "beneficial" bacteria come into contact with these compounds, the odorous and "lousy-tasting" sulfur compounds are released from the back of the tongue and throat, as Hydrogen Sulfide, Methyl Mercaptan, and other odorous and bad tasting compounds. These "problem" compounds are often referred to as volatile sulfur compounds (VSC), where volatile means Vaporous and Effervescent, two adjectives which accurately describe their ability to offend other people instantly.

Because my original degree is in Bacteriology, let me explain a very important fact about these "bugs". They are not "bad guys" - they are not infectious. Everyone in the world has the same group of bacteria in their mouth. You cannot "catch" bad breath from someone else - even by kissing. Since they are part of our normal oral flora, you cannot permanently remove them from your mouth - not by tongue scraping, not by antibiotics, and not by rinses which claim to "lift the bacteria off your tongue". The only scientifically proven and clinically effective method of halting Halitosis is by attacking the bacteria's ability to produce VSC and by converting the VSC into non-odorous and non-tasting organic salts. (I should know, I've personally treated nearly 10,000 people at my California Breath Clinics and I've helped thousands more through my TheraBreath formulas. Take a look at a small fraction of testimonial letters to see What Doesn't Work!

Speaking about bacteria, there is one other fact that you must understand about these bacteria. They are classified as "Anaerobic" - which literally means "Without Oxygen". They thrive in an environment where Oxygen is NOT present. That is why they DO NOT LIVE ON THE SURFACE OF YOUR TONGUE! They live in between the papillae (fibers) that make up your tongue!

These sulfur compounds are actually by-products of anaerobic bacteria (Fusobacterium and Actinomyces, among others). Everyone needs these bacteria, because they assist the digestion process. But, unfortunately, for some, as yet undetermined reason these particular bacteria are found in higher numbers in those anguished by Bad Breath. (Various theories attribute this to hormonal changes, a history of medications, usually antibiotics or sulfa drugs-which create an imbalance of oral bacteria, or even Genetics-these disorders appear to run in some families.) We do know however, that it seems to be evenly split between men and women.

Conditions under which the problem becomes worse:

Dry Mouth
Although some cases of dry mouth are naturally occurring, most cases are caused by one of these factors; prescription medications (usually prescribed for high blood pressure or depression) antihistamines, and adult beverages, with alcohol in them. (see "Why Regular Products Don't Work")

When your mouth is dryer, you have less Saliva. Saliva naturally contains Oxygen, which keeps your mouth healthy and fresh. These bacteria are anaerobic, which simply means that they will thrive and make more sulfur in the presence of little or no oxygen. Thus if you have less Saliva, you have less oxygen, thereby creating an anaerobic environment, perfect for the bacteria to produce more of these odorous and sour/bitter compounds. For people with Dry Mouth, products such as Saliva Stimulation Tablets can help greatly.

Post-Nasal Drip
We know that proteins contain amino acids, which in turn contain sulfur compounds (see text above). When a person has a post nasal drip, mucus drains and coats the back of the tongue and throat, exactly where bacteria live (see diagram above). Since mucus is made up of interlinked strands of protein, the bacteria have a field day, breaking down these proteins into odorous and sour tasting sulfur type compounds. Strong Antihistamines don't help, because the drying effect of the antihistamines also creates a problem. The only method of ending the odor and taste are to use Oxyd-VIII based oral products. Many of my patients with post nasal drip have claimed great success with use of the Nasal-Sinus Drops.

What About The Sinuses?
After personally treating nearly 9,000 people worldwide, I have yet to see a patient get rid of his bad breath following sinus surgery. First of all, these anaerobic bacteria cannot live in the sinuses. When someone has a sinus infection, one of the common symptoms are intense sinus headaches, caused by the pressure from the infection in the sinus. If you don't have these powerful headaches, you probably don't have a sinus problem. The fact is that once someone has an elevated amount of these anaerobic bacteria, they will create the problem from any protein source, including mucous, phlegm, etc, which drain down the back of your throat into the area where these bacteria live.

High Protein Foods
These bacteria love those proteins, and certain foods are packed with them:

Milk and Cheese and most other dairy products. (The fat content does not matter.) If you are lactose intolerant, do not eat or drink these products! Since your system cannot digest them properly, they are available to the bacteria for an extended period of time. A recent research article from the Los Angeles Times (November 1996) on lactose intolerance showed that nearly 67% of all Americans can be classified as "Lactose Intolerant". This is due to the fact that in a diverse population such as we have here, there is a predilection for Asians, Hispanics, and African-Americans to be lactose intolerant.

Fish are high in proteins. As many people eat a high fish diet, logically they make the problem worse.

Coffee with caffeine (and even without) contains high levels of acids which cause the bacteria to reproduce more rapidly and create a bitter taste for many people. (Virtually any acidic type of food will do this.)

Coffee drinking was one of the problems that my patients used to have. After starting my treatment, they have been able to go back to coffee drinking (in moderation of course) without any bitter tastes afterward.

What Works?
Oxyd-VIII is the active ingredient in TheraBreath products. It prevents the anaerobic bacteria from creating the odorous sulfide and Mercaptan compounds by "adding oxygen" to the environment. The end result is the formation of a "Sulfate", which has no odor or taste. Most of my patients start out with a Starter Kit and work their way up from there if necessary.

by Dr. Harold Katz, Founder of The California Breath Clinics
Visit my website at for more information and exclusive articles! You can also get a FREE copy of the BAD BREATH BIBLE, my best selling guide to controlling bad breath and unpleasant mouth odor (A $9.99 VALUE) by visiting This is an exclusive offer for readers of EZINE ARTICLES!


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Sunday, February 1, 2009

Pet Bad Breath

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Bad breath among pets like cats and dog are a very common medical condition. Bad breath is an unpleasant odor coming out of the pet's mouth.

The main cause of pet bad breath is periodontal disease. The small particles of food that remain on the teeth of a pet for a long time starts to decompose. This decomposed food causes the growth of bacteria and the combination of bacteria, decomposed food and saliva produces plaque. Plaque is a soft yellowish coating on the surface of the tooth which creates bad odor. If unchecked it hardens and becomes tartar. The tartar that builds up on the teeth causes infection, inflammation and redness of the gums. The tartar infects the area where the gum and teeth meet and causes it to bleed separating the tooth from the gums. When the gums recede it breakdowns the structure that holds the teeth in the jaw. This way it creates more space for the bacteria and plaque to accumulate, worsening the situation and triggering bad breath. This tartar accumulation leads to periodontal disease and in severe cases the pet can even loose its teeth.

Another cause of bad breath in pets is sticking of food particles, hair or any external objects in their teeth or under the gums which when mixed with mouth air produces bad odor. In young pets, shedding of the baby teeth for new ones may produce foul smell. Though this is temporary and goes away once the pet develops new teeth. Other causes that lead to bad breath include liver or kidney diseases.

It is important to ensure timely routine checkups and cleanliness of pets to avoid bad breath among pets. Regular brushing of pet's teeth, using mouthwashes and sprays to remove plaque ensures that the tartar does not build up. Diet also plays an important role in dental health and in the removal of bad breath. Crunchy biscuits, chewy treats and medicated bones minimize dental plaques. Removal of tartar from teeth or removal of the infected teeth also treats pet bad breath. Timely visits to a veterinarian is very important to minimize pet bad breath and for the overall health of a pet.

Bad Breath provides detailed information on Bad Breath, Bad Breath Cure, Cause Of Bad Breath, Stop Bad Breath and more. Bad Breath is affiliated with Clear Braces.

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